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Working as an artist . . .

involves much more than creating works of art. Persons who create works that can be called art must make a decision as to whether to work for their own amusment only or to show och perhaps sell their work. Will it be stored in your closet or will it contribute to your support.

On this page we assume that you wish to show your art and even to sell it if you can.

The information that will be placed here will probably be a very unruly collection on being an artist. Links and articles about what you need to be able to do besides creating a work of art. Help that you can get from the internet will be featured prominently.

As time goes by the titles below will be linked to new pages.

- Taking photos of your work

-Framing your paintings

- Practical work in connection with exhibitions

- Contacts - all kinds!

- Finding exhibiton possibilities

- Artists organizations and classes

Sorry, translation is not finished!

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