Wild flowers - 17 mile drive

Coast view -17 Mile Drive

USA's most photgraphed tree. The Lone Cypress by name, it is about 250 years
old and a lot of effort has gone into keeping the wind and waves from taking it
since it is important from a tourist point of view.

Here you can see how a retaining wall has been built up to protect the tree. You can also see the kelp beds in the sea because of all the "tree tops" just breaking the water.
These kelp beds are protected now but at one time were in danger of being totally destroyed. Kelp is harvested as an ingredient in, among other things ice cream. When the kelp disappears the fish life disappears and the animals go somewhere else.

These fantastic cypress trees with hanging moss line highway 1 in the area of the Lone Cypress.

This is a little bit of the Pebble Beach golf Course which I borrowed from the broschure.
I put in the picture above because I had a unforgettable experience here once long ago - maybe 1957. I had come a day early to Pebble Beach to take pictures at the sport car races. It was a miserable gray afternoon but wind still. A friend and I went for a walk along the edge of the golf course since we had nothing else to do just then.
There were seals all over the rock out in the water and we stopped to watch them for a while. We could see that one seal was just kind of floating in the water between the rock and the cliff - barely moving. Around it a circle of about 12 seals swam clockwise in a circle. When one got tired, another took it's place. We watched this for several hours till it started to rain and was nearly dark. We thought that animal in the center was dying and the others were doing their best to comfort, but I will never know for sure. I can't forget.

The beach at Carmel
© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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