And we drove on to Las Vegas. A really different city. Very little that is cosmopolitan, it reminds you more of the fast food strips in American towns - only blown out of all proportion.

Hotel after Hotel usually built to look like something it is not.

All in strange high thin forms with some kind of tourist thing out front. This one has a whole Treasure Island with sailing ship in the fish pond.

Many hotels offer a real experience of luxury but a lot of places are not very
fancy. Prices are pretty low in order to get you inside where you can start
gambling. "The King" can be seen in many places. You can, as you know, get
married by Elvis in one of the many wedding chapels.

I suspect that the Disney people own at least a piece of this one.

There isn't a famous building in the world that you won't find in a smaller version on the Las Vegas Strip - which is actually the name of the main street.

If they are not famous replicas they are at least gold covered.
© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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