We bought fruit and fresh corn at a roadside stand. Corn needs to be fresh so it is traditionally directly sold by farmers.
It is full of sugar when it is picked and for every hour that goes after that the sugar is converted into starch. After a couple of days there is no sugar left and corn doesn't taste the same.

We took the corn with us to Sheila Sato's home in Oakland. Sheila is LeAnn's daughter and my granddaughter. It was really a pleasure to meet her for the first time and to be so welcomed by her.

Sheila has a daughter named Jessica who is my great granddaughter. Jessica is 10 and very sweet. She was a little shy - we all were more or less for the first few minutes but we all felt like friends very quickly.
We had some photos with us of the Swedish side of the family. Jessica and Sheila look at them together with Per.

We also got to meet Sheila's brother Jason and his wife Sonja who is from Poland.
We were a really international group. Jason and Sheila's father is Japanese/Hawiian and Jessica's father is Afro-American.

We ate corn, steak and salad.

Sheila sneaked out to smoke and we followed her.

Sheila turned her apartment over to us and we spent the night there with Jessica. The next morning I helped Jessica take her hair out of the little braids that covered her head. She can do it herself, of course, but it takes time.

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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