Our luggage didn't show up at JFK. It would land the next day about 10 - 'call sometime after lunch', they said. Turned out to be quite a bit after lunch - 11 PM to be exact. We made a lot of phone calls while we waited but nothing helped. The delivery man said that he had been given the luggage at 10 p.m.
Since the street door was locked and the bell wasn't working, someone had to keep watch so I spent the afternoon by the window and from my perch, learned a lot about how it is to live in New York City.
Here I am watching the fire engines go by from our second story apartment. The shop under us sells cheap telephone calls to other countries.

The house across the street from us was permanently decorated with 32 different umbrellas and a painted lower facade. Great!

One of the first things we noticed were the small gardens on vacent lots owned by the city but planted and tended by local citizens. Locked up at night !

Like small paradises

Even room for goldfish

One garden had its own "Nimis" - a huge pile of boards decorated with all kinds of things.

Many streets were tree lined and buildings relatively low. No shortage of shops for daily needs.

In the parks there were generally play areas behind fences and there was always a sign that said 'adults are allowed only if accompanied by children'. To keep out "nasty" people I assume.

Lamp posts in much of the area are decorated with original mosaic designs. Lars inspects!

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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