Toronto's main street looking west. The entrance to Calatrava's glass mall can be just be seen jutting out on the right.
Toronto was nice. It's right on Lake Ontario and it has a good feel.
Unfortunately we got caught in the Friday afternoon traffic on our way out of town which was pretty exasperating. Living in a small town as I do, you sometimes forget how senseless traffic jams can be.


A nice red facade ... totally without shadows around individual windows. Couldn't get close enough to figure out how they do that.
A little closer view of Toronto's signature tower.

And a white building reflected in another building


We moved on ...
This is Highway 90 which follows Lake Eire through New York and Pennsylvania and on toward Ohio.
We stayed in a little motel on the old road parallel to Highway 90 and the next morning found this great restaurant in West Springfield, Penn. that still serves typical American breakfasts.

The restaurant was packed with people who seemed to know each other. When we asked why, we were told that there was a Bluegrass Music Festival going on here and that we were welcome!
We also learned that there had been a bad accident close by on highway 90. The restaurant always has a police radio going! Probably because the local police eat here and need to keep in touch. We saw the blinking lights and helicopters flying back and forth.

The Bluegrass Festival took place once a year at the local camping grounds which was full of campers and trailers with tents sat up between where the players could practice under a roof.

Some trailers were real monsters and were probably towed here by big trucks. Notice the "drawers" drawn out on the sides to make the room inside bigger. This family was living very comfortably.

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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