Wish I could put this photo to music... Something wistful and plaintif.
They had a little go-cart track here and they also participated in some kind of crash derbies. We discovered that the scrunched up parts were welded onto a sturdy frame. It's all faked! But that's par for the course these days isn't it.
This one is so old that it has wooden wheel spokes and a nice dark rust color that
would never be seen in Sweden. The whole car would have rusted away long
before this pleasant patina was achieved.
We drive on without looking back ---
except in the mirror!
Breakfast in an empty restaurant except for the Police Chief in the background who appeared to run his office from this restaurant.
And finally we are ready for the "Pueblo experience" that we have been looking forward to ...
A meeting with my daughter LeAnn who moved to Pueblo last year -
the first meeting ever for Lars and Per.
Lars looks on as Per and his half sister LeAnn greet one another