First prize for worst public square

The next day we looked for a launderette and found one in a little town in Indiana called Covington which featured this example of a town square. The new City Hall is just behind the camera and the dark brown faceless building goes right around to the right. The mayor here is responsible for building this mess but the architect who designed the new buildings around an altogether too large space should go back to school and/or hand in his licence.
European Architects travel long distances to visit beautiful squares. They might also wish
to study all the things that you can do wrong. This place might have a future.
Someone should tip off the local tourist office.

We bought some picnic ingredients at the "Country Market" on the square and found
that the same unhappy little town had a lovely park on the banks of the Wabash River
Ann, Lars and Ingrid in 40 degree heat.

Our next goal was Quincy, Illinois where we visited Ingrids Swedish cousin Fredrik Sandegren and the helicopter station where he works. He and his fellow pilots and nurses fly in persons who need emergency hospital care from a large area around Quincy.


Ingrid, Per, Fredrik and Ann on grand tour
One of the guys telling a good story

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© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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