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USA - NY to LA - 2001

As late as the 70-ties this area called The Garden of the Gods just north of Colorado Springs was still being used as a party venue - as it had for 100 years. There were practically no trees and bushes left.

Since then it has been extensively restored and you are asked to keep to the sidewalks but lots don't. What do you say to people who can't refrain from destroying things. Many never ever try to restrain their youngsters.
We never found this view where you can see from a little distance so I stole this view from the broschure - or was it a website??. Hmmm.

Garden of the Gods consists of strange red cliffs and pillars surrounded by a landscape of more normal color.

Per discovering!

Hey! Get down off there young man!

If you look really carefully you will see a very small climber where the trees gap in the middle.

Climbers practicing the slowest and therefore least exciting spectator sport in existence.

Climbing is strictly forbidden here and there were lots of Park Rangers all over the place. Can't explain why they just kept climbing.

LeAnn down below

We saw a wedding taking place off to one side. It is very popular in the US to get married in beautiful and unusual places.

Per found a ground squirrel to befriend. He and Lars recognized it from the cartoons - Chip and Dale!

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson
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