We took a little side trip when we saw a sign pointing toward this balancing rock. We found the rock as did altogether too many other tourists. It was crowded!
As happens when you make a trip like ours - you sometimes forget exactly where you were. Somewhere west of Denver I think.

The rock brought out the Indian in Lasse.


Borrowed photo from broschure
In the neighborhood of Colorado Springs there is famous mountain called Pikes Peak that has a road and a cog railway that goes up to the top - 14.110 feet.
Shown above is a somewhat lesser know but higher mountain west of Denver called Mt. Evens - 14.264 feet (4.248 meters. Twice as high as Sweden's Mt Kebnekaise at 2.111 m). There is a road almost up to the top. Last 130 feet you have to walk. It is as high as you can come in the USA by car and way above the tree line. Mt Evans Park at $10/car was a bargain. Pikes Peak would have cost $35/car but there you can rent a bike and be delivered to the top after which you can bike down - if you can afford the $85 and have a reservation.
Summit Lake is the last stop before the summit. Ingrid demonstrates how to make snow balls.

Mt. Evans is one of the places where we were warned against overexertion at such high altitude. You really do feel it as soon as you try to move fast or long. Best to walk around in slow motion.
Snow in June!


A not very shy Yellow Bellied Marmot greeted us from the side of the road. Lars was quick on the draw and got this shot.

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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