We drove beside the Colorado River along highway 70 towards Glenwood Springs

Others rode in more style.

... and others saw a photo opportunity!

This highway won a prize for being so well designed and disturbing as little of the canyon as possible.

Now and then half of the road was elevated.
I agree that it was very well done considering the problems..

This sign in a rest room along the way was put up by a company, Clivus Multrum that used to be Swedish during the 80-ties. I haven't heard anything about them for years. Looks like the USA was more interested in ecological toilets so they just moved away.


The Crystal River along highway 133
Lunch along the way. I think that is Snowmass Mountain in the background with ski resort Aspen on it's back side. Below us, where the trees are dark green, the White River.

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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