Times Square with a model of a Concorde -
I didn't catch why!

Lots and lots of traffic and all kinds of neon signs


Per, Lars and Ingrid in the middle - just looking!
One more view

Ingrid at Times Square

...and Lars

We visited probably the worlds largest internet Cafe next door to The Lion King's theater. They had about 200 computers on two levels. Cheap and easy to get a machine - which is more than we could say for the rest of the USA. If you must keep in touch when you travel you'd better travel with your own computer and modem. Electricity and phone lines are at least generally available.


This picture has not been retouched. That is a stretch limosine and they just look like that. |
© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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