We walked over to Washington Square where New Yorkers enjoy sitting in the sun whenever possible.

Children looked for coins in the fountain. I watched one little girl try to smooth out ripples with her hand so she could better see what might be on the bottom.


Lars in Little Italy on the lower east side.

Mural on an old wall and a Sunday closed pet shop. Fire hydrant in black and silver.
Here and there we caught glimpses of the downtown skyscrapers beckoning. But we had to keep close to home because of our expected luggage.

On Sunday evening a great many automobiles repeatedly cruised back and forth on our street.
Some were "pretty" convertibles with a cool couple in cool clothes. Quite a few were autos with a huge Cuban flag stretched over the hood or flying from the antenna.

And then there was the man who didn't have a car so he installed his "boomer" on a three wheeled bicycle and played his favorite music for all of us as he tramped by.
© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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