Another great visit was to the
American Museum of Natural History.
I was quite taken with their Rose Center for Earth and Space. The round "space theater" shown here is complemented with models of all the heavenly bodies in our system in the same scale as the sun/theater. You can just glimpse Jupiter on the left here in the (borrowed from website) photo of the exterior. The model of the Earth is just 10 cm and can't be seen at all from here.

Also a borrowed photo

Lars and Ingrid surveying the universe
In another part of the Museum we checked out the dinosaur bones which are displayed in dim light these days just like valuable paintings. Apparently they also can be damaged by light over the years. That's Per with the backpack.

The Genomic Revolution
The really great exhibit that we especially wanted to see was all about human DNA from every aspect you can think of. Very interactive and totally interesting.
No picture taking allowed so I borrowed a couple of pictures from the excellent (if a bit slow) website.
See this exhibit if you ever get a chance.
Take a look at the website at least.
If you are the kind who can buy Christmas presents way ahead of time you can find exotic gifts at the museum shop. Many can be bought from the website.

One of the exhibits: A Cousin to the left, on the right Per shown on a screen taking the photo and Ann in the middle.

For you who are interested this is a tiny little bit of one of our chromosomes as pictured by Celera. I can't read it but very much wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Very decorative in it's presentation! I expect all the colors represent specific chemical kombinations.
This picture is just to look at
- it belongs to its owner - Craig Ventor's firm Celera

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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