Our next stop...
This is the absolutely most beautiful train station I have ever seen.
Grand Central Station - newly restored and fabulous.
It seems to have been done with witchcraft. It's as dark as a tomb but you can see beautifully anyway. All lighting consists of naked light bulbs but there is no glare. Information signs each have their own lighting.

The main hall is a really just a big empty room but it has the atmosphere of a cathedral in spite of all the activity going on.

The chandelier is made up of small light bulbs. You don't necessarily need crystal to make a gleaming light fixture.
The Grand Central terminal building includes a shopping mall and localities for large meetings, etc.
Certain days of the week during the summer months there are arranged showings of the building. Or you can have a private showing if you book ahead of time.

The Museum of Television & Radio
Los Angeles on the left - New York on the right
Located right near the Museum of Modern Art which turned out to be closed the day we were there.

Lars and Per visited this Museum while we girls did other things. Not sure if they saw just this exhibit but there were lots of others. There were also archives to browse through.

In front of the TV & Radio Museum trees had been planted more or less out in 52:nd street.
What a difference they made!

We found a deli and ate our lunch in the little square next door to the TV & Radio Museum along with lots of other people. Spring green trees look really great in front of black buildings.

Same no-name square.
In Europe it would have immediately been christened. Even little squares are important to us but Americans don't get it much.

This was the view straight up...

© Ann Thulin © Lars Thulin,
© Per Thulin, © Ingrid Hansson |
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